The aim of our charge is love that issues from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith. - 1 Tim 1:5

Jenine May Ministries

Jenine May grew up on Detroit's Westside where she was exposed to inner-city life in the ghetto, escaping alcoholism, drugs, and drive-by shootings, where many of her closest friends were shot and even killed. Both her parents were alcoholics and her father died of Cirrhosis of the liver when she was 10 years old. An ordinary evening at home with her mom was not only alarming but eye-opening to the demonic/spiritual realm,

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Jenine May Ministries

JMM Events

Jenine May Ministries

  • Kingdom Principles & Biblical Truths Study Group


    If you have purchased a copy of Kingdom Principles & Biblical Truths and you would like to join a study group, send an email with your name and contact information. 

  • Kingdom Vision and Goals

    Support Group

    If you are in faith to acheive your Kingdom Vision and Goals and you would like to interact, grow and fellowship with like minded individuals so that you don't have to do it by yourself, send an email with your name, contact information and a brief description of what you are trying to accomplish. 

  • Prayer

    Coming Soon

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Contact Info

All things about what's happening in Jenine's literary and speaking world. Jenine May, published author of books and screenplays. Also a public speaker.

Jenine May
Phone: 313-307-9587